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Welcome to the Finnish genetic resource registry

This site is for import notifications of genetic resources / traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources when used for research and/or development. There is no need for notifying of material/knowledge that has been imported before 1.9.2016 (unless the purpose of use has changed after importing). Due diligence declarations (checkpoints) when receiving research funding of at the end of product development are made directly to DECLARE. This applies to material/research that has been imported after October 2014. The Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilisation has been implemented by EU-regulation (in force since 2014) and national legislation (in force since 2016).

See whether or not an import notification of genetic resources is necessary

1. Is the genetic resource for genetic and/or biochemical research and development?